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Benefits of Prolotherapy

Benefits of Prolotherapy Injections Q&A

Prolotherapy can cure damaged muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments in the knees, hips, and shoulders, as well as reduce low back discomfort. It can stimulate new cell growth to help relieve muscle and joint pain. Individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as arthritis could also benefit. Dr. Basem R. Farag, M.D., and Dr. S. Scott Newman, D.C., along with other medical specialists at Golden State Medical Centre, provide Prolotherapy to help you reduce discomfort by addressing the underlying issue that is producing pain. Contact us or book an appointment online for more information. We are located at 2551 San Ramon Valley Blvd. Suite 108. San Ramon, CA 94583.

Benefits of Prolotherapy Injections Near Me in San Ramon CA
Benefits of Prolotherapy Injections Near Me in San Ramon CA

Table of Contents:

What is prolotherapy good for?
Who is a good candidate for prolotherapy?
What is the difference between prolotherapy and PRP?
What are the types of prolotherapy?

What is prolotherapy good for?

An alternative method of treating muscle or joint pain is prolotherapy. Prolotherapy injections, also known as regenerative injections, stimulate the body’s tissues to naturally repair themselves. This treatment involves injecting a solution into a painful tendon, ligament, joint, or muscle with a small needle.

An injection treatment called prolotherapy is used to relieve pain. You will be injected with a small amount of an irritant by your healthcare provider. Most commonly, irritants are injected as dextrose (sugar) solutions.

The proponents of prolotherapy claim it relieves pain by triggering the body’s natural healing process. This treatment is used to treat people who suffer from musculoskeletal conditions (tissue issues such as bone, muscle, tendon, ligament, or soft tissue issues). Musculoskeletal conditions can be treated with prolotherapy to reduce pain. A number of diseases or disorders that affect your bones, muscles, and connective tissues may be reduced by this method. Conditions such as arthritis, degenerative disk disease, fibromyalgia, lower back pain, and tendinopathy may benefit from this treatment.

Who is a good candidate for prolotherapy?

In order for prolotherapy to be successful, the body must be able to grow healthy, strong tissue when it is stimulated. It is important to take care of any nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, allergies, or other underlying conditions that may interfere with the healing process before starting prolotherapy.

In addition to treating arthritis and fibromyalgia pain, prolotherapy can treat most pain caused by weakened ligaments or tendons. Muscle spasms and pain associated with fibromyalgia are often caused by weak ligaments. Ligament strengthening, joint stabilization, and pain prevention are all possible benefits of prolotherapy. As a result of strengthening ligaments and tendons, prolotherapy can also prevent arthritis by preventing bone overgrowth.

If prolotherapy is applied correctly to healthy immune system patients with joint pain, it can cause a 100% improvement. When one area of the body experiences pain, weakened ligaments or tendons in another area of the body may be at fault, so it’s imperative that the appropriate tissues are treated.

What is the difference between prolotherapy and PRP?

Prolotherapy and PRP therapy share many similarities in general. They are both considered to be regenerative medicine. By promoting and accelerating the body’s own natural healing processes, both treatments reduce pain and rebuild tissue. There are, however, significant differences between each procedure.

To promote regeneration and healing, PRP injections use a portion of the patient’s own blood. Doctors draw blood from patients, separate the platelets and plasma in centrifuges, and inject the platelet-rich plasma into them. As a result, damaged tissue is rebuilt by these platelets.

In addition to injections, prolotherapy encourages tissue regrowth. It is the substance that is injected that makes a difference. In contrast to PRP therapy, prolotherapy involves injecting an irritant solution into the patient’s body – typically glucose and other substances. A minor irritation is caused by the injection of this substance in an injured area, prompting the body’s natural regenerative processes to kick in. Degenerative conditions as well as injuries that cause pain can be effectively treated with PRP and prolotherapy. You should consult a regenerative medicine specialist to determine whether either of these treatments is appropriate for you.

What are the types of prolotherapy?

A variety of types of prolotherapy are available, including Dextrose Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy. The use of diagnostic ultrasound imaging assists in the correct placement of injections. Prolotherapy with dextrose or saline involves injecting the solution into a joint or specific area of the body. According to theory, the solution stimulates the growth of new tissues by acting as an irritant.

Which type of prolotherapy is best suited to your individual needs will be determined by Golden State Medical Center. Contact us or book an appointment online for more information. We are located at 2551 San Ramon Valley Blvd. Suite 108. San Ramon, CA 94583. We serve patients from San Ramon CA, Dublin CA, Blackhawk CA, Danville CA, Alamo CA, Diablo CA, Dougherty CA, Tassajara CA, Livermore CA, and Pleasanton CA.